One of Crystal's favorite "toys" is the piano...she loves to tap on the keys as she sings her little songs. It's fun to watch her get so excited.
Since Crystal was 6 months old, her FAVORITE food has become strawberries. She can spot them from a mile away. When we go grocery shopping, I have to find a way to distract her before she spots the strawberries and points at them with all her might.
During Brian's brakes at work, he will call home. Crystal has caught on to this routine, and LOVES when her daddy calls. She'll take the phone put it to her ear with huge smiles.
For Christmas, Grandma Nelson gave her a Teddy Bear, which has since become her little "Teddy." She LOVES this little bear and gives it a HUGE hug and kisses every time she sees it, and has recently started dragging it everywhere she goes. PS~Dont worry - she's not sucking her thumb...she's eating a Puff Puff. Scared ya, huh? hehe
Summer time = Swimming time...and our little girl knows it and LOVES it.
Getting ready for thought it was fun