Sunday, December 16, 2007

Speaking of Pregnant....

So we gunna have a baby! We just found out about a month and a half ago, but Becky is pregnant. We are pretty excited, we went in for our first ultrasound and we are about 11 weeks along. That puts the due date at July 10, good time of year if you ask me. So far its been fun and we are both getting pretty excited.

And its not like anyone cares but here is the picture of the ultrasound. Thats my baby!

Friday, December 14, 2007


Well we got a lil kitty! It was a stray out at Becky's parents and so we decided why not! She is way cute and we decided to name her Kitty.

Only problem is that we dont actually have her now...Becky started having allergies and plus she is pregnant so that didnt work out so well. Our Kitty is back out at her parents place so we get to see her everyweek!

Saturday, November 10, 2007


So I guess yall might want to see some of what happend for us this summer. China was cool, we got a spend a little over 2 weeks there are traveled most of the country. Lets just say alot of travel... We started in Shanghai and showed all the students around.

I had fun eating wierd street vendor food and going to rediculously crazy shopping malls. Then we took a bus to where Becky used to teach. I think it was called Jiangying but i cant spell anything, it was alot of fun there, we got to meet all of Becky's friends and eat from some good restruraunts, along with some bad ones. I guess everyone needs to eat some Duck tongue, deep fried sardines, and all sorts of nastiness.

The we headed to Yangshuo, this place is awesome. It is like the national park of China and it is pretty sweet. The Karst mountains and rivers are amazing. The water was like perfect temperature and really clean, I could have swam for days. Too bad I got a real nasty cold and it slowed us down.

O and i forgot to mention to get here we rode a train for 26 hours but it was actually really cool.

Then we spent two days in Hong Kong, its an amazing city. Got to go to the temple and see some sites. Its cool cause there everything is in english and its a good thing because they speak cantonese so we would have been totally lost.

It was pretty awesome, pretty stressful, but we are totally lucky to be able to spend the summer in china!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Well fine I guess i will do this...I just want to be like everyone else! Anywho things are good in Rexburg, we'll write more later.