Sunday, December 16, 2007

Speaking of Pregnant....

So we gunna have a baby! We just found out about a month and a half ago, but Becky is pregnant. We are pretty excited, we went in for our first ultrasound and we are about 11 weeks along. That puts the due date at July 10, good time of year if you ask me. So far its been fun and we are both getting pretty excited.

And its not like anyone cares but here is the picture of the ultrasound. Thats my baby!


Nadeau Family said...

I can tell the baby is going to be VERY cute!! Can't wait to see you tomorrow.

Tucketts said...

I think your baby looks like me, lucky kid. It's crazy what you can tell from the ultrasound! I was wondering when you were going to announce it to the world (or atleast the world of blogging) Congrats again ... we are so happy for you!

Sara said...

Of course we care, you goober! (Of course, I care later than most, but what can we do???)