Thursday, January 29, 2009

Crib Time Fun

Crystal has been such a joy to watch grow. Now that she has the scooting/crawling technique down, you would think that she would be good for a time. But rather than being satisfied, you can tell that she wants so badly to walk. She loves you to hold her hands and help her walk, and she'll use anything she can to try to pull herself to her feet.
This is why her crib is her new favorite place to be.

She'll reach up to the bar and pull herself up with all her might, then let out the biggest smile when she makes it. It's priceless. would think that standing would be enough...I guess not... Now that she's getting a feel for standing and moving while holding onto something, she's starting to stand with nothing but her balance....trying to at least. ;)
She'll pull herself up, set her feet, and then let go of the crib, or whatever she's holding at the time. She usually only makes it for a few seconds before falling on her bum. But it's adorable to watch her surprised face turn into a giggle or smile, then try it again.


Diana said...

She'll be a speedwalker for sure! :)

Kathryn said...

She is so cute and she looks SO grown up! I love it! You can see her two little teeth too, it is so cute!

Melese & Kyle said...

Becky!! I'm so happy I found your blog! I feel like I'm keep up on that so much more than facebook these days. :) Your baby is so adorable, and looks so much like you!! Hope you're doing well. Check out our blog:

Love ya!!

Melese & Kyle said...

I figure we'll just keep this blogger convo going :) WA huh? Kyle's from there too. Where are you exactly? He's from Snohomish, if you know where that is. Man, I'm jealous, hiking in January? Yeah we're still here in Utah, trying to make friends with the snow, Kyle's finishing up his BS and graduating in December. Then who knows? :)

Brittney said...

She is adorable! Madelyn is starting to do that now :P She's just been spoiled and always being held.

I'm on bed rest right now actually so that a total bummer :P we should plan a get together this summer. We miss you guys too!

Brittney said...

awww i live you too!

Diana said...

Beckyface! Come up and visit anytime. Yes, we definitely need to take advantage of being only 2 hours apart. Do you guys ever plan on heading up to Seattle? have you been to the Seattle Pacific museum? We are planning on taking Michael soon.
Any news on the future schooling?

JeNnA said...

hey becky! we sure miss yoyu guys! little crytal sure is growing! she sure is a pretty girl! she is already figuring out thigns so fast!